SER invest in Liebherr articulated dump trucks
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Traditionally our articulated dump truck rental fleet has been dominated by Volvo machines, and whilst there are still plenty of A25G, A30G and A45G trucks available for hire, SER have invested in the new series of Liebherr ADTs.
Six new TA230 units have been purchased and are currently out earning a living on sites spanning from Inverness to Essex. The first couple of deliveries were to the Carlisle Southern Link Road project, on the doorstep of SER. Nestling in amongst several Volvo trucks, the Liebherrs have more than held their own and are proving worthy of the investment.

A second high-profile site to accommodate a TA230 is HS2 where SER continue to employ numerous machines on the country’s flagship project.
Then, in another public outing, the fourth unit was sent to a valued customer to work amongst the many demonstrations at this years Hillhead quarry show. It proudly completed its month-long shift in the public eye without fault.

Speaking of Hillhead, it was time for the SER bi-annual staff day out to the leading quarry show in the country. Members of the SER office team and management attended on the Wednesday, in fact some employees ended up being there all week! Once again, the sun shone bright and it was great to get out and see customers and suppliers on their stands.
As well as checking out the latest models of new machines, SER were displaying a Volvo L260H bucket on the MST/ Hi Spec Manufacturing stand - which had conveniently been turned into a football goal! All in all, another great day out - roll on Hillhead 2026!

Finally for this quarter, as the company continues its expansion we have welcomed an additional 3 members of staff to the team - Derek Pollock has joined as Operations Director, Phil Belcher as Workshop Manager and Graham Ryan as Maintenance Co-ordinator. All 3 bring a vast wealth of knowledge and experience which will further assist SER in its ambitious growth plans.