Something a little bit different - planting very big trees

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A recent enquiry saw SER come up with a unique solution for a new customer.

The job in hand was to unload a number of large trees that were being imported from Holland and delivered to a site in Suffolk by lorry. The trees weighed up to 8 tonnes and they needed to be taken off the lorry, transported across the land and planted in the grounds of a country estate.

A large tree strapped into an HGV trailer, ready for unloading
A very big tree in a lorry, ready for planting!

Having ruled out using a telehandler and struggling to find a suitable solution, SER suggested supplying a wheeled loading shovel together with a special hook attachment. A Liebherr L556 was sent to site and as the photos show, the machine was ideal for the job.

A large tree being lifted from an HGV trailer by a Liebherr 556 loading shovel fitted with a hook attachment
All hooked up and ready to lift.

The customer was overjoyed with the way the job worked out and later emailed saying:

Job completed and machine performed perfectly for our purposes – I’ll know where to come next time we plant these massive trees.

A satisfied customer

A Liebherr 556 loading shovel carrying a large tree ready for planting
Off it goes.

It was a novel task for the SER team to undertake and it certainly got the brain cells pumping! In the end, all worked out well and the customer was more than happy with their experience.

So next time you need to plant big trees somewhere, contact SER to help you get the job done.

A Liebherr 556 loading shovel carrying a large tree across parkland, ready for planting
A bit greener than the usual sites.

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